Monday, 21 September 2009

Hello? Google? Anybody there? It's spelled B-L-O-G

Love the Android platform, love my new HTC Hero phone. Really clever stuff it does, like have fully-integrated GoogleMail/Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Google Maps/Google Search/Google Location etc etc.
I'm showered in cute notifications about Tweets and Facebook pokes, voicemails, emails and SMSs. All in-the-background and slick. A geek's dream. Suck it up iPhone fanboys 'n' gals. Life is sweet.

However, all in the Google garden isn't rosy. So all these gorgeous Google offerings are wondrously integrated. What about Blogger? Isn't blogging one of the Holy Grails of mobile connectivity? [Not sure there can be more than one Holy Grail - Ed.] Last time I looked, Blogger was a Google product also. One logs in using one's Google Account (all nicely configured in my Android phone). So where's the standard Android app for it? T'aint one.
Let's add insult to injury (it's got to be done). Even if there's no standard app, surely there's a 3rd party app available on the Android Market? Nope. Niente. Nada. Rien. Nichts.

Not quite sure what one adds to both insult and injury, but whatever it is, here goes adding it right in. So there's no Android app, from Google or anyone else. No worries - we can still edit our blog using the web browser interface on our phone, right? Wrong.
I can view my shiny new blog page on my Android phone (and yea verily, it be VERY shiny indeed), but for some strange reason I can't edit it. I can edit Facebook entries, emails, anything else that takes yer fancy. Just not GOOGLE Blogger posts. Using my GOOGLE Android phone.

Sort it out Google. At once. No excuses, or I shall send the Prawns round to splat you. With great vengeance and furious anger. Yea verily.

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