Sunday, 20 February 2011

Life Goes On - Day 3, Sunday, 20th Feb 2011

Light dawns. Some sleep had been had. A vaguely acceptable day ensues, mainly thanks to the head nurse, Neil, who is a top bloke. I am sure to scrub up and put on a good show of eating and drinking, walking about etc. to convince him that I should be the next one to get out into an ordinary ward (where they have showers, and proper toilets instead of commodes, no catheters in, no monitoring etc)
4:30pm I am out! Naff hospital pyjamas but better than a gown and catheter. Now the process of recovery can really begin.
I am reunited with all my possessions, including this 'phone....
...and at some point soon I suppose I will let you all in to visit. There will be good days and bad days. Even if I had a very very bad time on Saturday, and even if I do nothing else today, I've already done very well today as it is. That's enough. Just need to take it one day at a time. My momma always said so anyways. And today is after all only Day 3...


  1. how's the Dawg recovery going?

  2. Just to say hi. Yeah one day at a time - Mums are always right. I guess I'll have to eat your pudding tomorrow?
    Here;s a Dawg's breakfast to make you smile
