Thursday, 17 February 2011

Tumour Diary, Day 10 - Thu 17th Feb 2011 (UPDATED)

6:10am Might as well give up trying to get sleep. 5 interruptions during the night. 4 times from 3 different people just to get one blood sample (threw my earlier ones away), once for an ECG ("can't find your earlier notes") and then a random power surge that left all the lights blazing on at 5am.
6:20am Just been told I am second on the surgery list, at about 11-12am, and I can have "a wee sleep". Thanks
9:20am How does that poem go? "If you can keep your head while all around you have no clue" or something like that. I'll spare you the details. Just need to be patient.
Consent form signed again. Enough times now to remove all three of my brains
Thanks all for your kind messages :-)
They take me down at about 11:45. I hand them my possessions, including this 'phone. Keep me waiting for a while outside theatre. When they put me under I'm not even aware


  1. Without wishing to hijack TDawg's blog, just thought readers would like to know that surgery today went well, which is, clearly, brilliant!

    And the race to be first visitor has already been won ;-)

  2. Oh good news. They'd better not have taken out the sense of humour bit.

  3. John (his brother) here. Latest update.... He's doing well but (understandably after more than 6 hours of surgery) he's in need of rest. Hopefully he will be able to get some when they move him out of Critical Care (hopefully today). He's asked me to ask you all to bear with him, and let him rest a few days before visiting.. You can be sure he'll be back blogging again as soon as he's well enough.
